Logging in to BASE
- Enter the credentials provided by your organization/school/district to log in
- Log in using SSO with Clever or Classlink
- Click “Login”
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- Select the portal that you would like to access
- As an Administrator, when logging in you will have the option to log in as an Administrator or a Learner.
- As an Admin, users will be able to create, edit and monitor use of the platform.
- As a Learner, users will see the platform through the lens of a student
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Home Page Overview
- Main Menu
- Home
- Overview of the Rooms, Messages and Activities in the platform
- Users
- Access to creating and managing users
- Courses
- All Rooms
- Admin overview of all rooms in the organization
- Activity
- Overview and access of activity students and module activity
- Settings
- Details of organization profile, student access and parent access
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789857933) |
- Home Page
- Will display all rooms, an overview of module activity, messages and active students.
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Creating a New User
- Navigate to the Users tab in the Main Menu
- Click User actions to create users
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821087117) |
- Click the Create Users option from the menu
- This will allow you to create single or multiple users
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646820844557) |
- To create a single user
- Leave single user selected and complete the required information
- Role : specify the role that this user will be given
- Email address : this will also become the username by default
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789869965) |
- Multiple Users can be created through the use of a .CSV
- The users created in batch updates will all hold the same role
- Complete the information required for the batch update in the .CSV using the hyperlinked example document
- Outside of BASE, the batch update .CSV will need to be turned into plain text
- Provide an email address for the program to provide updates for
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789991437) |
- BASE will send an email update when the upload has been created, and when it is completed.
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646820945549) |
Creating a New Room
- Rooms have to be created by an Administrator on behalf of a user, or by the person who is going to maintain the module.
- Click on “Get Started with BASE”
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646820859277) |
- The program will walk the user through the steps of creating a room.
- The steps provided by BASE can be skipped
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789954957) |
- Provide a name for your room, this will be visible to students
- Select an image to be associated with your room
- Select if you would like to receive firework notifications, and then for your own modules
- Select if you would like to allow students to access the room for themselves
- This will allow them to self enroll into the module
- Click Next
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789905805) |
- Students will now be added to the room.
- This step may be skipped if you will be having students self enroll into the room.
- Search for students that may be added
- With the Admin permissions, users may be created to be added into the room
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646790069133) |
- Select the modules that will be added to the room.
- Select module categories to filter by
- Review the module description if desired
- Click “Next”
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821157517) |
- Review the information created for the room
- Click Create
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646820974221) |
Adding/Removing Users from Rooms
- Users may be added or removed from a Room by the managing staff member
- Navigate to the Room that will be edited using the Home page or the “All Rooms” main menu option
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646820974989) |
- After opening the Room, select “Student” Menu option
- Click “Add/Remove Students” to manage students
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821096077) |
- The Add Users:
- On the left, students who are available to add to the Room will populate. Search for any students that you would like to add to your room by typing their name in, (Administrators may use the plus sign to create a new user)
- After selecting students who will be added, click save
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646790048781) |
- To Remove Users
- On the Right, students in the Room will populate. To remove them, click the red “X” next to their name.
- After removing users, click “Save” to maintain changes
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646790018573) |
Resetting User Passwords |
- Administrators can reset a user password for any user role
- Log in to BASE Education using your provided credentials
- Select your Administrator portal
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821121933) |
- In the main menu, select the “Users” menu
- This will open all available users in BASE
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789857933) |
- Select the user that will be edited
- Enter in a new password and confirm the new password for the user
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821168013) |
Checking Module Progress by User
- To check module progress by User navigate to the the Main Menu and select the Users option
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789857933) |
- Select the User to check progress of from the available users
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821167885) |
- From the User Profile, select the Course Progress options
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821157645) |
- There will be 2 options
- View the Answers provided
- View list of completed modules
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789970701) |
- Viewing the answers will show all answers that were provided by the student for the open ended modules
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646790005901) |
- Select “List of Complete Courses” to see the list of modules that have been completed by the user
- The platform will display a list of modules that the student has completed, sharing the date that the module was completed on
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789970701) |
Checking Student Answers
- The answers provided by students can viewed through their user profile
- From the main menu, select “Users”
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789974669) |
- Identify the user profile that will have answers viewed
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821167885) |
- Click on “Course Progress” and “Answers”
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646789980557) |
- Click on the karat to expand the module questions, and see the answers that were provided by the user
- Answers can be printed or reset from this view
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821166477) |
Reviewing Firewords
Managing Firewords is a crucial part of the BASE platform. Firewords help to bring the human element to the platform and experience.
The goal of Firewords is to help you identify struggling students so that intervention can occur quickly. Firewords can provide you with information that will help guide impactful conversations with the students you support.
Please work with your school/district/organization's Administration to confirm the expectations with managing Firewords.
- Notifications can be turned on ensuring that Room leaders are informed of the Firewords being used.
- To turn on your notifications, navigate to the desired room
- Click on the pencil to edit Room settings
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821097613) |
- Click to add or remove the check mark in the box to “Receive fireword notifications”
- Further clarify if you’d prefer to get notifications regarding Firewords for the modules that you are assigned to only.
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821038861) |
- Email notifications will come from BASE to your email inbox
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646821125261) |
- When in your room, you will see all users, activity, progress and unreviewed firewords.
![](/hc/article_attachments/15646790028813) |
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