Insights Late Elementary (Insights LE) is a web-based direct assessment of social competence skills that are widely taught in evidence-based SEL curricula for students in 4th through 8th grade. Insights LE measures the SEL competencies of understanding others, social problem-solving, and self-control. The competency of understanding others is a competency that integrates emotion recognition and social perspective-taking, two competencies that research has shown to be highly correlated for late elementary students.
Insights Late Elementary (Insights LE) consists of the following six modules:
1. Complex Emotion Recognition
Students hear stories about children. At the end of each story, students are asked to choose how the child in the story feels. They can choose one feeling or more than one feeling.
2. Social Perspective-Taking
Students again hear stories about children and answer questions. For each story, students need to take the perspectives of others to identify the correct answers.
3. Causes, Solutions, and Consequences
Students are asked to imagine themselves in difficult situations. After hearing each story, students are asked questions about the problem, how they want the situation to turn out, and what they would do.
4. Self-Report Self-Control
Students are asked to read a series of statements and rate how true they are for themselves. To hear the text read out loud, students may click on the text.
5. Emotion Recognition Knowledge
In this module, students hear stories about situations that make people feel a certain way. They are asked to imagine themselves in these situations. After hearing each story, students are asked to choose what they think is the best thing to do to feel better.
6. Self-Report Self-Awareness
The Self Awareness module measures children's perceptions of their own competencies relative to their peers.
Students are told by the host character that they are going to read and answer some questions. They are also reminded that they may click on any text to hear the text read out loud.
Then, students are presented with a list of statements and corresponding rating scale, where they may select inside the circles to select their answers.
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