Students can be rostered into Insights using ClassLink.
ClassLink enables districts to automate and simplify the rostering process.
If you decide to roster students into Insights using ClassLink, proceed with the following steps:
1. At the planning meeting or in response to the kick-off email, let us know that you have chosen to use ClassLink as your rostering method.
2. Add the "Insights, a 7 Mindsets Solution" application to your roster server.
- Navigate to the Apps tab and select Add Apps.
- Select the + ADD button for the Insights application that is not flagged with DEV.
3. Now that the Insights app has been added, vendor permissions must be defined. Permissions specify how much access the vendor has to your data for app account provisioning. Please use Rule-Based Permissions, which is the permission type that best supports assessing a subset of district students.
- Auto Rostering into Insights is dependent on filtering on one class per student. Files containing more than one class per student will be returned for further filtering.
Suggested rule-based permissions:
- Select students > grade levels and select the grade levels to access in SELweb.
- Choose org source and select the schools of the students who will assess in SELweb.
- Choose classes and title "contains" or "equals" > input the name of the classroom that will administer the Insights assessment. This is most commonly "equals" "homeroom," but can be any classroom determined by the district as long as each student is only associated with one class.
4. Enable demographics.
- Birthdate is a required field for auto rostering in SELweb. Our scoring system calculates student age using birthdate.
- In the gear icon for the SELweb app, within the filter fields, select the toggle to enable demographics and include the birthdate field in the demographics file in the .csv export.
5. Enter server and authentication details for the .csv export to SFTP.
7 Mindsets Assessment team will provide you with SFTP credentials and details that you can populate in the export settings to filter student fields and schedule automated exports with the data that is defined by your permissions.
- Click the Actions menu and choose Export Settings
- In the Server Details and Authentication Details sections, enter the following server details:
Port: 22
Username: Username will be unique to your district and provided by the Assessment team.
Password: Password will be unique to your district and provided by the Assessment team.
Under File Details, specify the .csv export template that is being sent to the vendor and select the .csv export format (over api) for syncs.
- Enter the Schedule Details. Also, within Schedule Details, toggle on Enabled for the transfer to take place.
- Select Save.
- Select Send Now to initiate the transfer.
Further resources for using and troubleshooting ClassLink can be found here: ClassLink Help Center
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